
dresser怎么读: 音标['dresә]
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◎ dresser是什么意思

n. 化妆台, (剧团)服装师, 碗柜
[医] 敷裹员

n. a person who dresses in a particular way
n. a wardrobe assistant for an actor
n. a cabinet with shelves


1. I had to build the dresser by myself and it collapsed on me.

我得自己组装梳妆台 结果砸在我身上了

2. And the broken dresser, that's my fault.

那个坏掉的梳妆台 是我的错

3. No. I'm the sharp dresser in the group.

不 我才是咱们团体里穿衣服最讲究的

4. I found it, and I left it on your dresser.

我找到了 就放在了你的柜子上

5. We'll put it in the dresser, and then we'll go do something.

把东西放进衣橱 然后做点其他事情

6. The camera just focuses on the dresser.


7. I always thought I'd be leaving this on your dresser.


8. There's a burrito stuck to the side of your dresser.


9. A dresser's pretty big; I could help you.

梳妆台很大的 我来帮你吧

10. IIf it helps, I'm not the sharpest dresser.

提示下 我穿衣服没啥品味
