
pretext怎么读: 音标['pri:tekst]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ pretext是什么意思

n. 借口, 托词
v. 以...为借口

n. something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason


1. And he brings it up on the slightest pretext.


2. It was a pretext to get you off the street in a conspicuous way.

那只是为把你从街上带走的幌子 好引人注目

3. I don't have jurisdiction or even a flimsy pretext to be involved.

我没有管辖权 甚至没有任何借口可以介入

4. Russia has a pretext to invade and reclaim the territories.


5. without even a pretext? In the next eight days.

召集到一起吗 在八天内

6. He's just using jodean as a pretext to get rid of franky.


7. Over time this developed into uniform under the pretext of easy maintenance and cooling.

久而久之 因为易打理和凉快 这发展成了统一的形式

8. The only way that we could find out her real identity is through either pretexting or impersonating being a client.

我们想查清她的真实身份 就只能靠假借名目 或假扮客户

9. I guess under pretext of fighting the terror, they just want to control the opposition.

我觉得他们就是打着打击犯罪的幌子 *反对自己的人

10. Next thing you know, my wife shows up at the office under the pretext of buying my motherinlaw a dress.

紧接着 我老婆就跑来了办公室 还借口说是为了给我岳母买裙子
