
wig怎么读: 音标[wig]
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◎ wig是什么意思

n. 假发, 斥责
vt. 给...戴假发, 激怒, 使发狂
vi. 激动, 发狂

n. hairpiece covering the head and made of real or synthetic hair
n. British slang for a scolding


1. That's probably because it's a wig, but underneath your wig is your actual hair.

那大概是因为那是假发 但藏在你的假发下面的是你真正的头发

2. So especially on the wig front, this is a toned down wig, I think, from my collection.

尤其是在选择假发上 这顶假发在我的所有假发里 算是比较低调的了

3. Your boy is selfconscious because of his wig.


4. With all your wigs, your funny voices.


5. She's going to be in a wig for months.


6. I actually don't mind the wig, but no.

我觉得那顶假发还行 不过她没说

7. A good wig is all about versatility.


8. Me in a red wig? It's not happening.

我带红色假发 不可能的

9. I tried the wig, but that was a lie.

我试过戴假发 但这只是个谎言

10. You knew if I went after him, he'd wig out up there.

你知道我如果对他穷追猛打 他就会失控
