
dead怎么读: 音标[ded]
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◎ dead是什么意思

a. 死的, 不活泼的, 麻木的, 熄灭的
n. 死者
adv. 完全地, 直接地

n. people who are no longer living
n. a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense
a. no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life
a. not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat


1. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead.

完了 完了 完了 完了

2. I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead.

完了 完了 完了 完了

3. We're dead, in a dead house, in a dead city.

我们都死了 在一幢死屋里 在一座死城中

4. You can't get increments of dead, you're either dead or you're not dead.

你不能给死亡加量 人要么死了要么就没死

5. No, if it wanted me dead, I would be dead.

如果它想让我死 我早就死了

6. If they wanted me dead, I'd be dead.

如果他它们想杀我 我早死了

7. They wanted you dead, you'd be dead.

他们要是想让你死 你必死无疑

8. But only if the dead were actually dead.


9. They'll figure out she's dead, then I'll be dead.

他们会查出来她已经死了 我也死定了

10. And we thought he was dead, but he wasn't dead.

我们以为他已经死了 但是他还活着
