
fragmentary怎么读: 音标['fræ^mәntәri]
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◎ fragmentary是什么意思

a. 碎片的, 碎屑的, 片断的, 断片的, 碎块的, 不完全的, 不连续的, 不完整的

s consisting of small disconnected parts


1. I think there's also a point about the fragmentariness of religious narration.

我想这也是宗教故事叙述 如此碎片化的用意所在

2. Any object amasses all sorts of fragmentary spatiotemporal particles through its life.

任何物体都会聚集 纵贯它一生的碎片时空颗粒

3. But it's partly their fragmentary layout and their shadowy setting that gives these pictures their meaning.

但可以说 正是这繁乱的布局 和阴沉的背景 赋予了这些画作内涵

4. In front of me are the fragmentary remains of an altar, and around altars such as this, a ritual took place that we would find absolutely extraordinary.

在我面前的是一处祭坛的部分遗迹 在这种祭坛会举行一种仪式 我们会发现这个仪式很独特

5. I'll be able to scan these fragmentary skull elements and virtually symbol them using input of a forensic anthropologist into a correct orientation to have virtual skull.

我能够扫描这些碎的头骨 输入法医人类学知识 进行标记和准确定位 得到可视的 头骨图像

6. For us, erosion oftentimes rips some of the pages out of our history book, so it's the job of the geologist to put together a fragmentary record into a coherent history of the events that happened in the past.

然而 大自然的侵蚀 往往会撕掉其中几页 增大我们的难度 所以 地质学家的任务 便是将各种支离破碎的线索 拼接成连贯的历史 重现过往
