
richter怎么读: 音标['riktә]
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◎ richter是什么意思

n. 里克特(姓氏)


1. Richter wouldn't be in jail if you hadn't made that call.

要不是你下了决定 里希特不会蹲大牢

2. Richter doesn't respect people who poison their bodies.


3. Richter will pick a spot that he's already staked out.


4. Richter's probably got 'em, trying to find the rat who blew up his sale.

里希特可能已经叫他们过去 想查出谁是那个坏了他生意的叛徒了

5. Yes, he knew he was getting on a ride that featured a simulated earthquake, 8.3 on the richter scale, but the fact is, ladies and gentlemen, is that we love being scared.

没错 他知道自己参与的是模拟地震 但这是一场里氏8.3级的模拟地震 先生们女士们 事实上 我们都很喜欢惊险*
