
Armageddon怎么读: 音标[,ɑ:mә'^edn]
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◎ Armageddon是什么意思

n. [圣经]哈米吉多顿(世界末日善恶决战的战场)

n. (New Testament) the scene of the final battle between the kings of the Earth at the end of the world
n. any catastrophically destructive battle


1. Ooh! I love it when we avoid financial armageddon.


2. Katrina was armageddon for the ones who love balance.

对热爱平衡的人来说 卡特里娜飓风就是世界末日

3. It was built in the 1960s to withstand nuclear armageddon.

建于1960年代 躲避核武末日的

4. Dude in armageddon got sucked right out of his space suit, exploded.

<世界末日>里那哥们儿 从他的太空服里被吸出去 爆炸了

5. According to his own words, that gives us 72 hours before he delivers his version of armageddon.

根据他自己的书 距离他那个版本的末日决战 还有七十二小时

6. That's why, to prevent armageddon, the sworn enemies agreed to task four priests to take the strain to the end of the world.

因此为了避免毁灭世界 这两个死对头同意派遣四名僧侣 将菌株带到世界的尽头去
