
ax怎么读: 音标[æks]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ ax是什么意思

n. 斧头
vt. 用斧削或砍, 削减

n. an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle
v. terminate


1. So, we're looking for a weapon that's sharp, but not too sharp, a knife, but not a knife, or an ax, but not an ax.

所以我们在找的凶器很锋利 但不是过于锋利 似是刀 但又不是刀 似是斧头 却又不是斧头

2. If I were you, I'd be taking an ax to something, too.

如果我是你 我也会砍砍东西发泄

3. Guy has an ax sticking out of his head.


4. Of course. I'd be happy to shred it on my ax.

好啊 我非常乐意炫一下我的速技

5. My ax is plenty sharp and a shotgun.

我的斧很利 我还有散弹枪

6. You're using an ax where you should be using a scalpel.


7. Dreyfuss doesn't have headless with him yet, but he does have his ax.

无头骑士还不在德莱弗斯身边 但他拿到了他的斧头

8. But someone with an ax to grind against the principal would.


9. Ax, why don't you go back up to the party.

阿克塞 你上楼回到派对去吧

10. First the body, then the ax, the money.

先是尸体 然后是斧子 还有钱
