
louse怎么读: 音标[laus]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ louse是什么意思

n. 虱子, 寄生虫
[医] 虱

n. wingless usually flattened bloodsucking insect parasitic on warm-blooded animals


1. So if we could find out when the human pubic louse and the gorilla louse diverged, we would have a rough idea of when we lost our body hair.

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2. You can't frighten even a sick louse with that.


3. Pretty loose with those adjectives, you louse.

你还真擅长用形容词啊 *

4. When I get my hands on that nogood louse, he's gonna have some explaining to do.

等我找到那个讨人厌的混球 他得好好跟我解释解释了

5. You were the slowest louse, which was fast enough to make you a man.

你是最慢的虱子 但已经足够让你成为一个男人了

6. Send word if that louse's mother knows where they've gone.

如果那*的妈妈知道他们去哪了 就给我捎个信

7. Help you take on head louse, and could boost your memory and concentration.

帮助你消灭头虱 或许还能增强你的记忆力和注意力

8. Just checking, to be sure you're not crawling with louses before you put your heads on any pillows of mine.

只是检查一下 在你们把脑袋放上我的枕头之前 确定你们头上不会有虱子乱跑

9. When our ancestors had contact with gorillas, perhaps sleeping in their nests or scavenging their bodies for meat, the gorilla louse colonized their pubic region.

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10. Skin and hair are rarely preserved in the fossil record, so to find out, we have to look to a creature that's been intimately connected with hair for a long time: the louse.

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