
stunk怎么读: 音标[stʌŋk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ stunk是什么意思


v be extremely bad in quality or in one's performance
v smell badly and offensively


1. The whole place stunk from the top down.


2. 'cause the other socks stunk like him.


3. It stunk and stained so bad you were ashamed to take it back.

它变得又脏有臭 你不好意思把它还回去

4. I knew it would work 'cause your dread stunk like meat.

我就知道可行 因为你的脏辫臭得像肉

5. The last thing I saw you in was a deodorant commercial, and you stunk up my screen.

我上次看到你是在除臭剂广告中 你的臭气从我的屏幕中慢慢溢出

6. My footwork stunk, but I had a hell of a right hand and I could always take a punch.

我的步法烂透了 但我出拳很出色 总能找到机会挥出一拳

7. 'cause something stunk to high heaven and I was close to finding out exactly what.

是因为上头有猫腻 我差点就要查清楚是怎么回事了

8. II mean, I walked in, read for the part, then stunk up the place, but then I walked right out.

我进去了 念了段台词 然后卡壳了 就马上走人了

9. But even it had stunk, we still would have been there, because the people we love need to know that we're always on their side.

但即使它不好 我们也会去的 因为我们想让自己所爱的人知道 我们永远支持他们
