
glint怎么读: 音标[glint]
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◎ glint是什么意思

n. 闪光, 一闪
vi. 闪耀, 闪闪发光, 反射, 迅速移动
vt. 使发光, 使闪光

n. a spatially localized brightness


1. From the glint in your eye, you loved it.

从你眼中闪烁的光来看 你很喜欢

2. I saw something glinting in her hand.


3. Feel the sun glinting off our naked bodies.


4. A crucifix above my bed, the sun glinting off my crown.

我床上的十字架 照亮我王冠的阳光

5. And then it is there, blade catching glint, black in my blood again.

然后就又出现了 犹如明晃晃的利刃 我的血又变黑了

6. Well, the glint on that badge is practically blinding me.

如此闪亮的警徽 都快亮瞎我了

7. Okay, well, I'll take flicker or glint or flash.

好吧 叫触电或心动或感觉也可以

8. But as he passes me, I sees something glint in the dim glow of a lamp.

但他走过我身边时 我在昏暗的灯光下 看见有东西在闪光

9. The sun must be glinting off the solar panel and hitting the dewar.

太阳一定是被太阳能板反射 照到杜瓦瓶了

10. Layers and layers of lies betrayed by a sad glint in a child's eyes.

孩子眼中闪烁的悲伤 泄露了层层的谎言
