
flange怎么读: 音标[flændʒ]
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◎ flange是什么意思

n. 边缘, 轮缘, 凸缘
vt. 装凸缘

n. a projection used for strength or for attaching to another object


1. Plenty of flanges do well with just one.


2. Okay, give me a quantum ratchet with a reverse flange.

好 给我一个有反向法兰盘的 量子棘轮

3. The only way to get this thing open is to break that flange.

打开这个的唯一办法 就是破坏那个边缘

4. I wasn't looking, I just stood up and banged my head on the flange.

我当时没有注意 我只是 站起来 然后脑袋撞在法兰上

5. I had to take the top off, jigger with the flange, the chain's all *ed up it's been gurgling off and on.

我不得不脱掉我的外套 想去鼓捣一下链条 发现链条都弄坏了 一直在漏水

6. We donated, and the parents of bum ballerina, holy moly, they paid to have the entire flange reinstalled.

我们捐了一些 而瘸腿芭蕾*的家长 老天 他们出钱重装了整个桁架

7. I must caution you that this machine was only designed to replicate inorganic matter: bolts, flanges, dainty thimbles celebrating the state capitals.

我必须提醒你 这台机器只能用于复制 无机物 螺丝钉 法兰盘 歌颂各州首府的时尚顶针
