
clyde怎么读: 音标[klaid]
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◎ clyde是什么意思

n. 克莱德(男子名)

n. a river in western Scotland that flows from the southern uplands into the Firth of Clyde; navigable by oceangoing vessels as far as Glasgow


1. Clyde's all right, he's with his mum.

克莱德也没事 他和*妈在一起

2. Clyde got it for me when we got engaged.

我们订婚时 克莱德给我的

3. Clyde likes spectacle, so we can't forget that.

克莱德喜欢壮观的场景 别忘了这点

4. Clyde and I couldn't find the location of the old stream.


5. Clyde is gonna get what's coming to him, trust me.

克莱德会得到应有的惩罚 相信我

6. Clyde actually did a really good job reading.


7. Clyde is responsible for all the shit going down around town.


8. Clyde happened because I left you all alone in that house so much.

克莱德的事 是因为我把你一个人留在了那间房子里

9. Clyde here can melt it down, make me a belt buckle.

克莱蒂可以把它熔了 给我做一个皮带扣
