
midline怎么读: 音标['midlain]
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◎ midline是什么意思

n. 中间线, 中线

n the median plane of the body (or some part of the body)


1. The incision in his chest was made over a prior midline incision.

他胸前的切口是按照他之前的 正中切口切开的

2. Bullet looks to have lodged in the midline between the spine and heart.

子弹好像卡在了 脊柱和心脏中央

3. We're gonna inject 3 centimeters lateral of the midline.


4. She's pointing to her upper abdomen, just left of midline.

她在指她的上腹部 就在腹中线的左侧

5. We need to separate the cords from the midline dural sacs.


6. and 5mm trocars in the lower left quadrant and the suprapubic midline.

五毫米套管放置在左下腹 和耻骨中线处

7. So if you look at what is the midline here, this, you can see, has moved over quite markedly as a result, and the brain can start to tension.

所以从这里的中线你可以看出 在大气压作用下它已经显著地偏移了 大脑会开始绷紧

8. Yep, right side of her head, a contusion the size of an orange and subdural hematoma with a midline shift and secondary herniation.

有 头右侧有处橙子大小的挫伤 和中线偏移硬脑膜下血肿 还有二次脑疝
