
metastasis怎么读: 音标[mә'tæstәsis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ metastasis是什么意思

n. 转移, 新陈代谢, 移位变化
[化] 移位变化; 失α-微粒变化; 转移

n. the spreading of a disease (especially cancer) to another part of the body


1. We'll have to resect it and look for other metastasis.

我们得进行切除 并检查是否转移

2. Look, there's no signs of metastasis, but the tumor has to be removed.

目前没有转移迹象 但我们必须切除肿瘤

3. Lymph nodes, bone marrow, no tumors, no metastasis in the blood stream.

淋巴結和骨髓里都沒長腫瘤 血液里也沒有轉移瘤
