
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ partook是什么意思


v have some of the qualities or attributes of something
v have, give, or receive a share of
v consume


1. So, afeared of the spirit in the attic, you partook of the spirit in the cellar.

所以 惧于阁楼里的鬼 你把自己变成了地窖里的酒鬼

2. Technically, you partook in your brother's fantasy, so the island can grant you one.

严格来说 你参与了你哥哥的幻想 所以这个岛也可以给你一个幻想

3. The last owner never danced, he never drank, never partook in any of the reasons you go to a club.

之前的经营者不跳舞 不喝酒 不参加你们去*的任何活动

4. We spoke for only one half of an hour three days past, and that, the sole conversation in which he and I have partook in almost six years.

我们三天前谈过半小时 这段对话 是我们六年来唯一的一次
