
uncouple怎么读: 音标[.ʌn'kʌpl]
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◎ uncouple是什么意思

vt. 解开...的钩, 松开(狗等)的套索

v. disconnect or separate


1. So you stay here and uncouple the car.

所以 你去分開火車頭與車廂

2. We'll just tell them that we're consciously uncoupling.

我们就告诉他们 我们和平分手了

3. He uncoupled the car that we were in and tried to blow us up.

他分离了我们这节车厢 还想炸死我们

4. I'm performing a conscious uncoupling at 2:00.


5. Nah, you didn't get dumped more like consciously uncoupled.

你才不是被甩 那是自觉地分开

6. Lindsay, I want to begin the process of conscious uncoupling with you.

琳赛 我想跟你清醒地解除婚姻关系

7. Yeah, I'm gonna uncouple the trailer, separate it from the tractor.

我要分离卡车 把它跟前头分开

8. The the theory is that when you sing it back, you uncouple the words from the influence that they had over you.

起效的理论是这样的 你把歌唱出来 就能把诱发你焦虑的词语 和焦虑情绪本身分离开

9. Their identity is now related to this case and once that's fused, it's essentially impossible to uncouple that.

他们认为自己就是与本案有关 而且一旦进行了自洽融合 从本质上讲就不可能再将其剥离了

10. I finally find a couple we can be couple friends with, and you consciously uncoupled us.

我终于找到了能当朋友的夫妇 而你故意拆散了我们
