
parolee怎么读: 音标[pә,rәu'li:]
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◎ parolee是什么意思

n. 假释犯
[法] 获假释者, 假释犯

n someone released on probation or on parole


1. I'm wondering if you can track down a parolee for me.


2. Kovach was a parolee who threatened his exwife.

科瓦奇是个假释犯 威胁了他前妻

3. Zerohead, he's a parolee, he's *ing huge.

光头 是个假释犯 *块头超级大

4. It is the domain of the illegal immigrant and the recent parolees.

一般从事这种工作的 不是非法移民 就是近期假释的犯人

5. Parolee cut off his ankle bracelet and is on the run.

保释期内取下追踪器 现在逃

6. Some parolees have been rejected for, uh, punitive reasons.


7. Parolees, sex offenders, homeless, but no dice.

假释罪犯 性犯罪者 无家可归者 但都不是

8. So, that parolee the sergeant had a lead on turned out to be a bust.

警官查到的那个假释犯 和本案并不相关

9. The guy's been a model parolee since he got out.


10. Need you to apprehend a parolee who's gone off the grid.

需要你去逮捕一个假释犯 他玩消失了
