
yon怎么读: 音标[jɔn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ yon是什么意思

a. 那边的, 远处的
adv. 在那边, 在远处
n. 那边, 那边/远处的东西, 远处

s distant but within sight (`yon' is dialectal)
r at or in an indicated (usually distant) place (`yon' is archaic and dialectal)


1. I trapped everything myself in yon woods.


2. We've searched hither and yon throughout the kingdom.


3. I spotted the mistake as soon as he walked through yon portal.


4. When I uncovered his lies, I went into yon woods to reflect.

我发现他满口谎言之后 我去林子里思考了

5. Cooped up like chickens, chivvied hither and yon.

像鸡仔一样被关起来 被人赶来赶去

6. Yon casino bus tries to pass them on this double yellow.


7. Tomorrow , yon can buy the same flowers for half price.


8. If you want to do harm to yon wedding, you will have to get by we first.

如果你想破坏这场婚礼 必须先经过我们的同意

9. Hey, uh, I don't know if you doth realize it or not, but, uh, I was pretty helpful with yon knight over there.

我不知道你是否意识到了 我给予了你的骑士很大帮助

10. Because my thing is trying to get us all home alive, and your thing is proclaiming toilet miracles hither and yon.

因為我在意的是讓我們活著回家 你在意的是四處宣告廁所奇跡
