
superficiality怎么读: 音标[,sju:pәfiʃi'æliti]
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◎ superficiality是什么意思

n. 表面性的事物, 肤浅, 浅薄

n. lack of depth of knowledge or thought or feeling
n. shallowness in terms of affecting only surface layers of something


1. I thought you were a little superficial, but I was the superficial one me.

我觉得你有点儿浅薄 但其实是我自己太浅薄

2. And they're so superficial! I hate them all.

她们都好肤浅 我讨厌她们所有人

3. No, I'm saying that what we do is superficial and meaningless.

不 我是说我们做的事 肤浅而且无意义

4. I don't know, my incision was superficial.

我不知道 我的切口很浅

5. It's okay to let some relationships be more superficial.


6. Well, superficially, it was about your pet bird.

表面看来 是说你的宠物鸟

7. This is not work of a bullet the wound's too superficial.

这不是子弹造成的 这只是表皮伤

8. It's quite simple, superficial, to be blunt.

很简单 说实话甚至有点显而易见

9. But there was no escaping the fact that this conversion was superficial.

不可否认的是 这一变化微不足道

10. The knife is superficial. I'm gonna pull it out.

刀子位于表层 我要把刀*
