
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ encircling是什么意思

[计] 包围, 环绕

s. being all around the edges; enclosing


1. And all are encircled by human settlement.


2. They fell into the water and were encircled by the beasts.

它们掉进水里 被猛兽围攻

3. ash cloud has encircled the entire planet.


4. Sirte is still encircled by defensive checkpoints.


5. A dome, sitting on a drum, with a colonnaded encirclement outside.

一个坐落在圆鼓石上的穹顶 外围环绕一圈石柱廊

6. Encircling the prey is a signal to the others that it's safe to approach.

绕着猎物一圈是 给同伴信号可以安全接近

7. A murder of crows would encircle the house every day.


8. Then one dolphin stirs up a ring of mud that encircles the shoal.

然后一只海豚搅起一圈 环绕鱼群的泥浆

9. Now, take yourself and the stench of failure that encircles you and get out of my house.

现在 带着你身这糟糕的恶臭 滚出我家

10. Place these lanterns on the shoreline and bridges, encircling the creature at 20foot intervals.

把这些灯沿着河岸和桥安放 间隔二十英尺 将这怪物圈起来
