
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ copyrighted是什么意思

a. 有版权的;受版权保护的

s. (of literary or musical or dramatic or artistic work) protected by copyright


1. This is all copyrighted, by the way.

顺便说一下 这些都是有版权的

2. This face is mine. It's copyright to me.

这是我的脸 可是有版权的

3. But she had already copyrighted my steps and countersued me.

但是她早就登记了版权 对我提出了反诉

4. No, for the purpose of copyright, we wrote the episode.

不 从版权角度来说 是我们写了那一集

5. Copyright infringement. I thought you should know.

侵权行为 我想你应该知道

6. This is a song I bought at a copyright auction.


7. Personally, I wish I'd written that and copyrighted it.


8. Well, you don't have a copyright on the dirtyunderwear business.


9. Meanwhile, we have to counter the copyright injunction.

同时 我们还得反驳版权强制令

10. You keep your $500, and I'll keep the copyright.

那你留着那500美元 版权我留着
