
inflect怎么读: 音标[in'flekt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ inflect是什么意思

vt. 弯曲, 使屈曲, 改变
vi. 发生弯曲变化

v. change the form of a word in accordance as required by the grammatical rules of the language


1. Your intonation, inflection, your choice of words.

你的语气 音调 还有用词的选择

2. If I had to guess based on his inflection, it's an Indonesian dialect.

如果从他发音停顿上来猜测 这是一种印尼方言

3. But you're right, our joint program has reached an inflection point.

但你说得对 我们的联合项目 已经到了一个转折点

4. But learning how to prioritize our duties in law enforcement, especially as they can inflect the dodgers.

但是學習分清執法過程中職責的主次 尤其是會讓我們看不成道奇隊的比賽的事

5. There is no threshold that makes us greater than the sum of our parts, no inflection point at which we become fully alive.

我们不过是一堆血肉组成 并没有升华的"质变点" 或是"更有生机"的转折点

6. I mean, of course I want you to get this part, and I want to be the one to help you learn your lines and fix your inflections.

我是说 我当然希望你拿下这个角色 我也很想帮你 帮你琢磨台词 帮你纠正语调

7. Our little foibles, our jokes, even the mistakes we make, every tiny grace note and inflection gives a clue as to what is going on inside the brain.

我們的小癖好 我們開的玩笑 甚至是我們所犯的錯誤 每個微小的細節都能反映出 一個人的腦子里到底在想什么
