
heft怎么读: 音标[heft]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ heft是什么意思

n. 重量, 影响, 重要性
vt. 举起试重量, 举起
vi. 称重量

n. the property of being large in mass
v. test the weight of something by lifting it


1. It would not have the same metaphorical heft, I fear.


2. The cloggasins have the heft of a clog, but the softness of a moccasin.

木底软帮鞋既有木底的重量 但像软帮鞋一样软

3. It's an ambitious plan with testicular heft, I'll give you that.

我只能说 这是一项非常有雄心的计划

4. His goal is always the same, to reap a heft profit for himself.

他目标总是一样 即为自己赢取巨额利润

5. His goal is always the same: to reap a heft profit for himself.

他的目标始终如一 为自己撷取巨额利益

6. 34 pounds, not including your bipod, which adds some heft.

三十四磅 不包括你的枪架 那也会增加重量

7. We'll both wield the heft of our considerable fortunes until each of us have nearly nothing left.

我们会动用各自可观的财富 折腾到我们都所剩无几
