
swig怎么读: 音标[swig]
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◎ swig是什么意思

n. 痛饮, 牛饮, 鲸饮
v. 满满一口喝下, 牛饮, 大喝特喝

n a large and hurried swallow
v strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat
v to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught


1. Swigging from a tankard of cheap ale.


2. But an asscheek and a swig of this, and won't be no talking on both jaws.

一口*肉一口尿 管饱又解渴

3. Me mum's had a few swigs, but there's still plenty left.

我妈喝了几口 但还剩下不少

4. Yeah, but that cup you're swigging on, that blends right in.

对 但你在喝的咖啡却跟背景很和谐

5. Soon as I have an epiphany, it's coupled with a swig of a shit soda.

我刚一顿悟人生 随之而来的就是一堆破事

6. Couple of swigs of that, you'll sleep so hard you won't even dream.

喝个几杯 你就能睡得很沉 你都不会做梦

7. So he pops the cork and takes this big swig in front of all of us.

然后他拔掉木塞 在我们面前喝了一大口

8. Vic keeled over in the middle of game night after taking a swig of wine.

受害者昨晚半夜喝了一口酒 突然死亡

9. I was having my morning cup of inspirational tea and I swig back the little last bit of it.

我当时在喝每天早晨的醒神茶 然后等我喝到最后

10. Yeah, well, you might want to swig some of that down because your face is gonna be pretty sore after these treatments.

你最好多喝点 因为整容过后你的脸会非常痛苦
