
resentment怎么读: 音标[ri'zentmәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ resentment是什么意思

n. 怨恨, 愤恨

n. a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will


1. And I don't want you to resent me for resenting you about your feelings.

我也不希望你 因为我怨恨你而怨恨我

2. Yes, I see that you're happy from this side of it, from the wrong side of it, and I think maybe I resent not being happy not resent you, just resent.

对 我看出来你很幸福 从这一面 从错误的一面看你很幸福 我想或许不幸福让我感到很不爽 不是不爽你 只是不爽

3. You bring work home, and your wife starts to resent it, resent you.

你把工作带回家 你的妻子会反对 会生你的气

4. Because then you'll end up resenting me.


5. I was not, and I resent the accusation.

没撒谎 我讨厌你这么说我

6. I was always here for you and I resent that.


7. The only indignity I see is resentment.


8. But when I fix a problem, you resent me for it.

但我解决了一个难题之后 你又不开心了

9. That resentment and rage is what we shared.


10. Obvious she resents her because she's so talented.

她很明显是嫉妒妮娜 嫉妒她有才华
