
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ negotiating是什么意思

n. 谈判

v discuss the terms of an arrangement
v succeed in passing through, around, or over


1. Namely that I refuse to negotiate in this office and I refuse to negotiate with you.

也就是說 我拒絕在這間辦公室 拒絕與你談判

2. No, no, no. I'll negotiate with them.

不 不 我去跟他们谈判

3. What is this? It's my negotiations for tomorrow.

这是什么 是我明天的谈判内容

4. But after some negotiating, we got there.

但经过一番磋商后 她同意了

5. And I told you I'm not here to negotiate.


6. And if not, they'll negotiate a settlement.

如果做不到 他们就会协商和解

7. I'm not. I'm negotiating with a busines*an.

我没有 我是在跟一个商人谈判

8. You don't have any room to negotiate. I own you.

你没有谈判的资格 你栽我手里了

9. I'm doing what we always do, I'm negotiating.

我是做我们一直在做的 跟你协商

10. I thought that's what negotiating was all about.

