
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Payton是什么意思



1. Payton said some thing he shouldn't have, and he left.

佩顿说了些他不该说的话 然后就离开了

2. Payton, everyone agrees that was a tragedy.

佩顿 我们都同意那是个悲剧

3. Payton. I'm warning you, do not screw with my dream.

佩顿 我警告你 别搅黄我的梦想

4. Payton was going to cancel, but I have the story.

佩顿打算取消 但我有料要爆

5. Payton, I'm telling you, if she's faking, it's gonna get out.

佩顿 我告诉你 如果她在装病 消息会传出去

6. Payton's chari*a is my burden to bear as much as it is his.

佩顿的魅力是我要承受的重担 也是他要承受的重担

7. Payton, people are asking for you to do another song.

佩顿 大家要求你再唱一首歌

8. Payton, we're way behind, but your numbers are on the way up.

佩顿 我们落后很多 但你的支持率在上升

9. Payton is better off with the memory of a loving father than the truth.

拥有一个慈父的记忆对佩顿来说 比知道真相更好

10. Payton saved me, and I'm gonna make sure he's repaid.

佩顿救了我 我要确保他得到嘉奖
