
manta怎么读: 音标['mæntә]
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◎ manta是什么意思

n. 女用披巾, 外套

n. a blanket that is used as a cloak or shawl
n. extremely large pelagic tropical ray that feeds on plankton and small fishes; usually harmless but its size make it dangerous if harpooned


1. We are doing several things with the manta rays.


2. The manta is back and business has resumed.

蝠鲼回来了 生意回归正轨

3. For the visiting manta rays, this is a paradise.

对于来访的蝠鲼来说 这里就是天堂

4. When it's their turn, the manta rays surrender themselves completely.

等轮到它时 蝠鲼就会完全放松自己

5. And of all their clients, the manta rays are their star customers.

在所有的顾客当中 蝠鲼是它们的明星客户

6. Manta rays aren't the only animals that find refuge here.


7. If the bite is a oneoff, the manta ray will return.

如果下不为例 蝠鲼会回来

8. Each fish tends to a very specific part of the manta's body.


9. So how do they turn the grace and agility of the beautiful manta ray.


10. A female wrasse has taken a nibble out of the manta ray's flesh.

