
myopically怎么读: 音标[mai'ɔpikəli]
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◎ myopically是什么意思

adv. 目光短浅地


1. You were always myopic when it came to your discipline.

一旦涉及到你的戒律 你就会变得短视

2. You get myopic, can't see the forest for the trees.

目光会变得短浅 会一叶障目

3. I've been so myopic I think I've made things worse.

我太顾及眼前 反而让事情恶化了

4. It may come as a surprise to learn it wasn't that of a myopic 39yearold having a knockabout.

令人吃惊的是 这幅海报的作者是个39岁的近视眼

5. Selfabsorbed, twisted, abusive, brilliant, myopic son of a bitch on the planet.

他是这世上最自大 最* 最有才的*近视眼

6. I have to think that you're not so myopic that you can't see that I might be entitled to a little return for turning it into what I've turned it into.

我必须相信你没那么目光短浅 以至于不能承认我把它变成了如今的样子 也应得到一点回报

7. These homegrown terrorists are myopic zealots, ideologues that believe that their work is of the greatest importance.

这些本地的恐怖分子都是目光短浅的激进人士 幻想着自己的工作是最重要的

8. She's a lazy, entitled, manipulative, myopic narcissist who knows a * of a lot less than she thinks she does.

她是個懶惰 無能 控制心強 目光短淺的自戀狂 肚子里就他媽是一包草

9. I am glad I left you. It means I can maintain some objectivity in your selfindulgent, myopic little world.

我很庆幸自己离开了你 这样我才能 在你放纵短视的世界中保持一丝理智

10. Which is why they may run the risk of being overly myopic, you know, that they may, uh, focus too much on the details and miss something in the overall gestalt.

这意味着凶手可能会因小失大 凶手可能过于关注细节 而忽略了整体中的某些东西
