
suicide怎么读: 音标['sjuisaid]
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◎ suicide是什么意思

n. 自杀, 自杀者
v. 自杀
a. 自杀的

n. the act of killing yourself
n. a person who kills himself intentionally


1. But we're being told that you're suicidal, and now here you are in a suicide vest.

不过我们得知你有自杀倾向 而你现在正穿着自杀式炸弹背心

2. We shouldn't be doing this. It's suicide.

我们不该这么做的 这无异于自杀

3. It was either a suicide or a death made to look like suicide.

要么是自杀 要么是伪装成自杀的谋杀

4. The majority of these cases end in either murder/suicide or suicide by cop.

这类案件多数会 以杀人或自杀 或者借警察之手自杀收场

5. In my profession, when a colleague commits suicide, the first thing I say to myself is, they did not commit suicide.

在我们这一行 一旦有同事自杀了 我首先想到了 他们不是自杀

6. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to make your brother's suicide look like a suicide.

有人大费周章地 让你弟弟的自杀看上去是自杀

7. Men sadly use more lethal methods of suicide, so when they attempt suicide, they're more likely to die.

很遗憾 男性会选择更致命的自杀方式 所以当他们选择自杀时 他们更有可能死亡

8. Well, we're able to predict both nonfatal suicide attempts and suicide death with about 90% accuracy a few years before it happens.

我们现在能够在事发几年前 就预测出百分之九十的 致死性与不致死自杀行为

9. Well, a phenomenon known as suicide clusters, or suicide contagion, have been known to affect whole communities or social groups.

有种现象叫集体自杀 或称为传染性自杀 一般会扩散至社区或是社会组织

10. You understand that this is suicide, what he's doing.

