OK怎么读: 音标['әu'kei]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ OK是什么意思

a. 好, 不错, 可以
adv. 好, 不错, 可以
n. 批准, 认可
[计] 确定

n a state in south central United States
k an endorsement
s being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition
r an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence


1. Please help me. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok.

求求你救救我 没事了 没事了

2. Ok, ok, this is the martini, everyone.

好 这是今天最后一场戏了

3. Yeah, I know she'll be ok, but ok what is what bothers me.

我知道她没事 但我担心的就是她哪方面没事

4. I'm ok. please tell the police that I'm ok.

我没事 请跟警察说我没事

5. Ok, you asked, and I told the truth, ok.

好吧 你问我 我说了真话 好吗

6. Yeah, ok, ok! I bet you blew their socks off.

对 好 我肯定你让他们刮目相看

7. Ok, so that's gonna leave a nice little bruise for you, but I think you're gonna be ok.

应该会留下一道小小的淤青 但我觉得应该没事

8. Ok, ok, I clearly cannot compete at this table, but, uh, look, I gotta go hang out with wifey.

显然我在牌桌上毫无胜算 但是我要去陪老婆

9. Ok, ok, before you say anything, just know that I never imagined the virus being used for something like this.

好了 好了 在你开口之前 只希望你明白我从没想过这个病毒 会被用在这种事情上

10. It's ok. It's for your own protection.

没关系 我们这是为了保护你
