
asymmetry怎么读: 音标[æ'simitri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ asymmetry是什么意思

n. 不匀称, 不对称
[医] 不对称, 偏位

n. (mathematics) a lack of symmetry


1. But there are little asymmetries that we can't even notice most of the time, and those asymmetries are due to that kind of chance in development that we just mentioned earlier.

但仍然有些不对称的地方 我们大多数时候都没有发现 这些不对称就是由我们刚刚所提到的 进化中的那种偶然性造成的

2. There's an asymmetry both of force and distance to these kicks.


3. There's no correlation between left and righthandedness or body asymmetry.

这不关乎你是左右撇子 亦或是身体对称与否

4. Including the asymmetry that's due to the shaft wear.


5. This asymmetry is a sure sign that such feathers were used for flight.

这种非对称结构证明 这种羽毛是用来飞行的

6. I can bootstrap the whole idea to a large asymmetry in 11 dimensions.

我能将这整个想法 引入到十一维度的大型不对称

7. Possible complications include emboli*, hemorrhage, collateral paralysis, asymmetry, brain damage, and stroke.

可能的并发症包括栓塞 出血 副神经麻痹 脸部不对称 脑损伤 以及中风
