
land怎么读: 音标[lænd]
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◎ land是什么意思

n. 陆地, 地面, 地界, 地产, 国土, 土地
vi. 登陆, 登岸, 到达
vt. 使上岸, 使登陆, 使到达
[计] 连接盘; 焊盘

n. the land on which real estate is located
n. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)
n. the solid part of the earth's surface
n. United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one step photographic process (1909-1991)


1. This land is your land, this land is your land.

这是你的土地 这是你的土地

2. No, it didn't land. I stopped it from landing.

没有 训斥还没发出 我阻止了

3. There's own the land and there's lose the land.

有人拥有土地 也有人失去土地

4. I have land friends, and a land life.

我有陆上的朋友 陆上的生活

5. We were born to the land to work the land.


6. You'll land on a private strip on private land.

你会进行私人旅游 在私人领地上

7. This land belongs to the colony, and the colony to the land.


8. 'we were born to the land to work the land'.


9. And often they got the very best land, the most fertile land.


10. Land was held and land was gained by the power of the sword.

