
gazebo怎么读: 音标[gә'zi:bәu]
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◎ gazebo是什么意思

n. 眺望台, 阳台

n. a small roofed building affording shade and rest


1. And saved you some room for a gazebo.

为你留了点空间 可以盖露台

2. Pete was helping me rebuild Ida's gazebo.


3. Safety is the church, jail is the gazebo on the green.

教堂是安全区 草坪上的凉亭是监狱

4. You are gonna be buried under that gazebo sooner than you think.

你会比你想象中更早 被埋在那个凉亭下

5. I could sure use help putting that gazebo together.


6. This is a gazebo that we've been looking at for a while, and it's really good, so just come on up.

这是我们一直找的那个露台 非常不错 上来吧

7. We're getting one of those wooden things, like a gazebo.


8. The house survived, but a tree decided to take out the gazebo.

房子没啥大事 但是一棵树把凉亭给砸坏了

9. It's essentially a gazebo, but spicier and with a south oftheborder kind of vibe.

其实就是个凉亭 但带了点南国边境风味

10. Oh, I think they go great with that gazebo we've always dreamed of having.

我覺得那會跟我們 夢寐以求的小涼亭很搭的
