
shorts怎么读: 音标[ʃɔ:ts]
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◎ shorts是什么意思

n. 短裤, (美)男人的短衬裤
[经] 空头户, 空头, 短期债券

n trousers that end at or above the knee
n underpants worn by men
n the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
n accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference
n the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base
v cheat someone by not returning him enough money
v create a short circuit in


1. I need a pair of short shorts and couple of shorts of rum.


2. Whose shorts are so short, his junk is showing.

谁的短裤会那么短 他的鸟都露出来了

3. wearing those short shorts, standing in the sunshine.

穿着超短裤 站在阳光下

4. Those shorts are what people put on before they put their shorts on.

这短裤是正常人穿短裤之前 会先穿的那种短裤

5. Yes, every day we fall short and people fall short in so many different other ways, but I think that if you personally fall short, and some morals fear, as we all do, that doesn't take the right of you to argue.

是的 我们每天都会在 许多方面犯错 但我认为如果你犯错了 道德上感到害怕了 我们都会这样 那并不能带走你辩论的权利

6. That means it's short on gluten, it just breaks short.

这意味着里面缺少面筋 一拉就断

7. Crazy short shorts and a huge adam's apple.

穿着超短裤 长着个大大的喉结

8. Then shortly after, I was sent to purgatory, where I remained prisoner until a short while ago.

在那不久之后 我被送到了炼狱 直到不久前 我仍然被囚禁在那

9. That girl done got too big to be wearing shorts that short.

那个姑娘长大了 短裤已经不合身了

10. You gotta knock three short, two long, three short.

敲门的暗号是 三短后接两长 然后再接三短
