
chaff怎么读: 音标[tʃæf]
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◎ chaff是什么意思

n. 谷壳, 糠, 揶揄
v. 开玩笑, 戏弄

n. material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
n. foil in thin strips; ejected into the air as a radar countermeasure


1. We haven't finished separating the wheat from the chaff.


2. Happens when I drop chaff for the ladies.


3. I need a quick filter that separates the wheat from the chaff.


4. For days at a time, the animals had nothing to eat but chaff and mangold.

一连几天 动物们只有米糠和野菜可吃

5. After harvesting the wheat, he uses fire to clear the field, burn the chaff.

收获小麦之后 农夫会用火 清理田地 烧掉麦秆

6. Well, the antique dealer's coming by in half an hour, so we need to sort the wheat from the chaff.

古董商还有半个小时就到了 我们要快点找到些值钱的东西

7. Here we have rich alluvial soil, dug from around the palms, being mixed with hay and wheat chaff and with water, to make this wonderful mud.

这里有肥沃的沉积土壤 是从棕榈树周围挖出来的 将干草和麦秆加水与泥土混合 制造出这样神奇的泥浆
