
cheapskate怎么读: 音标['tʃi:pskeit]
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◎ cheapskate是什么意思

n. <美俚>守财奴,吝啬鬼

n. a miserly person


1. You're getting a reputation, you know, as a cheapskate.


2. You know, word gets out you're a cheapskate.


3. for compromising my standards for the sake of my cheapskate publisher.

因为我吝啬的出版商 降低了我的标准

4. Come on... I, on the other hand am no cheapskate when it comes to weapons.

快点 而我呢 在武器方面可是一点都不吝啬钱

5. The magic of getting you, a known cheapskate, to part with ten dollars.

这个魔法让你 这个小气鬼 舍得花十美金

6. I can't stand that he's frugal, a cheapskate, and yet an embarrassing overtipper, plays the big shot.

我无法忍受他的吝啬 铁公鸡一个 还喜欢乱给小费 装大款

7. Baby, I'm gonna be the pennypinching cheapskate just like my garbage bag of a father.

宝贝 我来做一毛不拔的铁公鸡 就像我那垃圾袋似的的老爹一样

8. It's this program where if you spend $100 then you get a free turkey, but these cheapskates are scrounging other people's receipts to game the system.

是个项目 如果你花一百美元 就能得到一只免费火鸡 但那些吝啬鬼 在搜集别人的收据 钻规则漏洞
