
henceforth怎么读: 音标[hens'fɒ:θ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ henceforth是什么意思

adv. 自此以后, 今后

r. from this time forth; from now on


1. Henceforth I will not have to do with pity.

从今以后 我再也不会对人有怜悯之心了

2. For never henceforth shall I joy again.


3. So henceforth, if you breathe, it is because I give you air.

所以从今以后 你能呼吸 是因为我给你提供空气

4. Henceforth, you are barred from the jedi order.


5. And yes, I am aware this relationship henceforth is merely a formality.

是的 我知道这段关系从此以后 就只是个形式

6. Your property is henceforth his property and you're all required to leave this building immediately.

你们的财产也是他的财产 你们必须马上离开这里

7. Henceforth, and with thine permission, we may ensureth that it remaineth that wayeth.

因此 若您准许 我们即可确保我持续的所有权

8. Henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me.

从此以后除非是她的礼物 在我眼中没有什么是美丽的

9. Henceforth, you will no longer be known as Isaac the fornicator, but as Isaac the truthteller.

从今以后 你不再是 私通者艾萨克 而是真言者艾萨克

10. If it will ease your mind, I shall henceforth compel myself to adopt a recumbent lifestyle.

如果这样你能安心的话 我今后就尽力 躺着不动了
