
fantasy怎么读: 音标['fæntәsi]
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◎ fantasy是什么意思

n. 幻想, 想象的产物
[医] 幻想

n. imagination unrestricted by reality
n. fiction with a large amount of imagination in it
v. indulge in fantasies


1. Why are we in my fantasy? It's not your fantasy.

为什么我们在我的幻想里 不是你的幻想

2. This is your fantasy wedding with your fantasy bride and your fantasy friends.

这是你的幻想婚礼 和你的幻想新娘 还有幻想朋友

3. That sounds like a fantasy. It was a fantasy.

那听上去像是美梦一般 的确是美梦

4. These murders are about the fantasy only the fantasy isn't sadistic it's romantic.

这些谋杀都和幻想有关 只不过这并非* 而是浪漫

5. The ritual fed the fantasy, the fantasy fed the rage.

这个仪式满足了幻想 而幻想激化了愤怒

6. We're in a fantasy league together, fantasy school board league.

我们都在一个虚拟联盟里 虚拟校董事会联盟

7. If your fantasy is to change the moment you regret the most, you don't want a new fantasy.

如果你的幻想是改变你最后悔的时刻 你不会想要新幻想的

8. 'cause it's like they say, sometimes the best cure for a fantasy is the fantasy itself.

因為如人們所說 有時幻想最好的解藥 就是幻想本身

9. Well, when you break up with someone, there's that fantasy that you can stay friends, which I guess is a fantasy.

和伴侣分手以后 你总会 以为你们能做朋友 但其实那是不可能的

10. Fantasies about glamorous covert ops can be extremely useful to exploit, though some secretagent fantasies are more useful than others.

对风流倜傥的秘密特工的幻想 非常有利用价值 而其中某些幻想尤其有用
