
contortionist怎么读: 音标[kәn'tɔ:ʃәnist]
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◎ contortionist是什么意思

n. 善作柔体表演的杂技演员

n. an acrobat able to twist into unusual positions


1. But I'm ashamed to be a contortionist.


2. Oh, I think she's over there by the contortionist.


3. I don't blame you for laughing at a contortionist.


4. Oh, okay, then you're a contortionist, bro, because you were in there alone.

好吧 那你就是个柔术演员 兄弟 因为那里只有你一个人

5. The two girls in the front who are more like contortionists.

而前排的两个姑娘 更像是杂技表演

6. No, okay, I had gone to the circus, and I had seen this contortionist.

不 好吧 我当时去了个马戏团 看到了一个柔术师

7. That guy is like some sort of shapeshifting contortionist assassin.

那人就像個 會變形的柔術刺客

8. Contortionist? I can bend my body into all sorts of unusual positions.

柔术演员 我可以弯曲我的身体 做各种不寻常的姿势

9. And I just made up this contortionist clown guy and drew him in these little stories that I would write.

于是我就编了一个柔术小丑 把他画进我自己编的小故事里

10. When you walk into a room, the way you take the temperature, adjust yourself, like an emotional contortionist.

你走进屋子时 你测量温度的方式 像个多愁善感的柔术演员调整自己
