
sadist怎么读: 音标['sædist]
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◎ sadist是什么意思

n. 虐待狂者
[法] 性虐待狂者, 虐待狂者

n. someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others


1. I can't tell if your being sadistic or selfserving.


2. We know she was impatient and sadistic.

我们知道她缺乏耐心 还很残暴

3. The man is a sadist, and I have a shot.

那人是个*狂 而我能打死他

4. For all I know, you could have been sent by the sadist himself.

就我所知 你可能会被他亲自送走

5. By any means, no matter how sadistic.

不惜一切 不管手段多残忍

6. It's his sadistic way to subdue her.


7. So we're probably not dealing with a sadist.


8. So you raised a sadist, a dentist and a homo.

所以你养了一个*狂 一个牙医还有一个同性恋

9. You were under the power of a madman, a sadistic psychopath.

你所追随的是一个疯子 一名*狂精神病人
