
passive怎么读: 音标['pæsiv]
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◎ passive是什么意思

a. 消极的, 被动的, 冷漠的, 顺从的, 无源的
[医] 被动的

a. lacking in energy or will
s. peacefully resistant in response to injustice
a. expressing that the subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb


1. But being aggressively passive is what I do best.


2. I'm more than familiar with passive coercion.


3. If you have to be passive aggressive, do it only with your eyes.

如果你一定要闹别扭 仅限用眼神表达

4. She's been strangely passive since she's arrived.


5. It's not passive collection, it's fulltake surveillance.

不再是被动收集了 而是全面监控

6. Yes, and that was neither passive nor aggressive.

对 但刚才既不消极 也没攻击性

7. And I think that teaches people to be passive.

我覺得 這教人逆來順受

8. This is the best I can do with passive scans.


9. You're a passive protagonist in your own *in' life.


10. There's also some passive spatter and some overlap on the *ear.

还有喷溅状血滴 蹭上的血迹也有重叠
