
guar怎么读: 音标['ɡɑ:r]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ guar是什么意思

abbr. guaranteed 有保证的; 有担保的; guaranty 保证; pyt guarantee of payment 付款保证

n. drought-tolerant herb grown for forage and for its seed which yield a gum used as a thickening agent or sizing material


1. The glove fragments on the handle were coated with diammonium phosphate and a guar gum derivative thickener.

斧柄上的手套碎片上有一层 磷酸氢二铵 和瓜尔胶衍生的增稠剂

2. And also we have guar gum, and this is a gelling, thickening agent, used not only in food, but also in pharmaceutical industry for, like, shampoos and toothpaste.

还有瓜尔胶 这是一种胶凝增稠剂 不仅用于食品中 还用于制药工业 比如洗发水和牙膏
