
aviary怎么读: 音标['eivjәri]
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◎ aviary是什么意思

n. 大型鸟舍, 鸟类饲养场

n. a building where birds are kept


1. Not a zoo, mother, but an aviary of rare and exotic delights.

不是动物园 妈妈 而是提供 稀有异域风情享受的鸟舍

2. I'm just saying, you can't always judge a person by their aviary accessories.

我只是说 你不能老是以鸟类饲养配件 判断他们是好是坏

3. Plato likens the mind of man to an aviary of birds, and birds to kinds of knowledge.

柏拉圖曾經把人的心靈 比喻成鳥兒的天堂 而鳥兒則是浩瀚無垠的知識

4. She also plays the electric harp, has a butterfly aviary in her closet, and don't forget her *ileates.

她还会弹电竖琴 壁橱里有一个蝴蝶鸟舍 别忘了她的微笑拉提
