
anticipate怎么读: 音标[æn'tisipeit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ anticipate是什么意思

vt. 预期, 占先, 加速, 提前使用
[医] 提前出现, 先期发生

v. act in advance of; deal with ahead of time
v. realize beforehand
v. be excited or anxious about
v. be a forerunner of or occur earlier than


1. You anticipate you anticipate certain certaincertain things.

你参与了... 你参与了某项... 某项事情

2. No, I didn't anticipate any of this, i'll be honest with you.

没 老实说 这些我都没想过

3. I should have anticipated it, but the gun surprised me.

我应该预料到 但枪确实吓到我了

4. No, it's about working in anticipation of the weekend.

不 是为了期待周末而工作

5. And I don't anticipate a lot of pushback on that.


6. The anticipation of seeing you on this night.


7. Winds are more favorable than we anticipated.


8. She needs to know if that's what you anticipate.

她想知道 这是不是你想要的

9. it isn't exactly everything I anticipated it would be.


10. I anticipated only members of the board.

