
stomp怎么读: 音标[stɒmp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ stomp是什么意思

n. 跺脚
vt. 跺, 践踏
vi. 跺脚, 践踏

n. a dance involving a rhythmical stamping step
v. walk heavily


1. I mean, music cranked all the way up, feet stomping as loud as we could stomp.

音乐声开到最大 脚步能跺多狠跺多狠

2. This is our livelihood you're stomping on.


3. I'd say you were stomping on a lead.


4. He poured his heart out, and you stomped all over it.

他都把心掏给你了 你却这样狠狠践踏

5. Stomp once for so fantaj, twice for stupidfantaj.

很棒跺脚一下 棒呆跺脚两下

6. Stomp once for good, twice for killing it.

跺一下脚是很好 两下就是爽到爆

7. The other part of me wants to stomp your face in.

另一方面 我真想给你的脸上来几下

8. Can't throw the president on the ground and stomp on him.


9. You stomped him to death in the middle of the street.


10. Yeah, no, I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge.

是啊 我刚刚在桥上不小心踩到了他
