
geosynchronous怎么读: 音标[,dʒi:әj'siŋkrәnәs]
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◎ geosynchronous是什么意思

[计] 对地同步的

s. of or having an orbit with a fixed period of 24 hours (although the position in the orbit may not be fixed with respect to the earth)


1. It's taking up a geosynchronous orbit above the city.


2. Pentagon's lost contact with one of its low geosynchronous orbit satellites.

国防部与一颗近地轨道卫星 失去了联系

3. The suit recorded over ten terabytes of data, which were uploaded in real time to a geosynchronous satellite.

战斗服记录了超过十万亿字节的数据 并实时上传到 地球同步卫星
