
mortician怎么读: 音标[mɒ:'tiʃәn]
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◎ mortician是什么意思

n. 殡仪业者
[医] 殡仪业者

n. one whose business is the management of funerals


1. I bet that's payback for the mortician.


2. Martin is a mortician, not a doctor.

Martin是个殡仪工作者 不是个医生

3. He's with the mortician, being prepared for tomorrow.

他在入殓师那里 为明天做准备

4. There's no overlap between morticians and bloodmobile techs.


5. The mortician's lawyer advised him to clam up.


6. The good news is, you won't be charged with the murder of the mortician.

好消息是 你不會 被指控謀殺殯葬師

7. And no one would question why a mortician was hanging around.


8. For the right price, a mortician will look the other way.

给得起钱 殡仪馆的人就睁一只眼闭一只眼了

9. I'm thinking they were probably done by the mortician who prepped the body.

我猜想是殡仪馆内负责 准备他尸体的人做的

10. Mortician did good work nice embalming, minimal decomposition.

殡仪馆处理得不错 防腐得当 腐烂程度很轻
