
dune怎么读: 音标[dju:n]
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◎ dune是什么意思

n. 沙丘

n. a ridge of sand created by the wind; found in deserts or near lakes and oceans


1. We have a lot in common, dunes are hot.

我们有很多共同点 沙丘很热[性感]

2. I haven't been in this baby since we went to the dunes.

我好久没进来过这房车了 上次还是去沙丘时

3. Okay, it's dune. I bought us some time.

打完收工 我们赢得了一点时间

4. The rustling of the dune grass, the salt breeze.

瑟瑟作响的草丘 微咸的海风

5. And incredibly, these elephants cross these dunes behind me.

难以想象 我身后的大象穿越了广袤的沙丘寻找水源

6. And the dunes seem to be resistant to all but the very strongest of storms.

这些沙丘似乎对 最强的风暴都有抵抗力

7. Despite this, these desert lions thrive amongst the dunes.

除了它 這些沙漠中的獅子在沙丘中茁壯成長

8. But now I have something more valuable than any number of dune buggies.

但我现在拥有的 比多少辆沙滩车都有价值

9. I can see my house behind me, past the dunes.


10. Plus, there's a big dune buggy race tomorrow.

另外 明天有一场大型沙丘车比赛
